Emergency Preparedness


Online Family Communications Plan

Complete a Family Communications Plan on line.  Decide where you will meet and how you will contact each other during a Disaster.


Food Storage

Build a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet. One way to do this is to purchase a few extra items each week to build a one-week supply of food. Then you can gradually increase your supply until it is sufficient for three months. These items should be rotated regularly to avoid spoilage.




Excel Food Storage Calculators:



Windy Dewitt presentation:



Family Emergency Preparedness

“Hurricane season begins June 1 and ends Nov. 30.  But it isn’t just hurricanes that people should prepare for.  With the...

“Every family  should be prepared to be self-sufficient for five to seven days after a major disaster so recovery efforts ...”

Should you Evacuate?

Yes, if you:

  1. Live in a hurricane evacuation zone

  2. Live in a low-lying or flood-prone

Some of the greatest dangers present themselves after a storm. Keep these important tips in mind...

1. Disaster Planning (5:16 min.)

2. Disaster Supply Kits (3:59 min.)

3. Evacuating (6:11 min.)

4. After a Disaster (7:55 min.)

For additional information contact:

Tom McCombs (tommccombs@gmail.com)

Family Spiritual Preparedness

  1. 1.Daily Family Prayer

2. Daily Family Scripture Study

  1. 3.Weekly Family Home Evening

  2. 4.Family/Individual Council

  3. 5.Regular Church Attendance

  4. 6.Regular Temple Attendance

Family Emergency Preparedness

  1. 1.Family Emergency Plan

2. 72 hr - 7 day Emergency Kit

  1. 3.Evacuation Plan

  1. 4.Returning Home

Food Storage:

    3 months supply

    2 weeks water storage

    1 years supply

Grow a Garden and Learn Canning/Dehydrating.

Made on a Mac

Foam Clothing (Jim Phillips)

Extreme Winter Clothing 1” polyurethane good for - 40 degrees.  1/2” thermal johns good for 0 degrees.


Winter Cloths .pdf
